Ever felt like you’re not sure what to do with your life?
Do you know deep down that there’s something more for you out there, but it feels like nothing is working out no matter how hard you try?
You might be feeling lost and stuck. That’s why I decided to write this blog post: so we can talk about finding your purpose and doing what you love.
What is your PURPOSE?
So what is your purpose anyway?
If you don’t know, it’s understandable. According to statistics, only 7% of people actually know what they want to do with their lives.
You might have had a few ideas or passions come up during your life that made you think “This could be it!”… But when you put in the time and effort, you realised they weren’t for you after all.
You might have gotten results, but it just didn’t feel right and you lost motivation and fell back into old habits that don’t help you move towards your dreams.
That’s not unusual either.
There is no “one” purpose that fits all. We are human beings, with our own unique set of skills and personalities.
There is no one size fits all solution to finding your purpose… But I will share with you my take on it through the lens of my experience.
I want to help you find clarity so you can figure out what the next step is because I care about your life… And I know there’s something better than just living an unfulfilled life.
To do that, we need to get our mindset right. You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it in the first place. And most of us have mindsets that don’t serve us well when it comes to finding our purpose.
I’m going to share what I’ve learned and experienced over the years, and it’ll be up to you to take what resonates and leave the rest 🙂
Your “purpose” is NOT your “dream”
Everyone’s always chasing their dreams. You might think that your dream is your purpose… But there are a few problems with this way of thinking.
Dreams are changeable, you could dream about something today and tomorrow it’s different.
And when you get to your dream… What happens after that? To me, chasing dreams is like running away from ourselves rather than actually facing up to our fears and taking action.
When we attach ourselves so strongly to a dream, we are avoiding our fears of what it will mean if we stop chasing this dream.
What I’ve found is that people are buying into the idea of finding their life purpose so they don’t have to face up to these things… But I want people to start taking responsibility for their lives and actually live, not just exist.
Your “purpose” is something you share with everyone
Yes, your purpose can be found through meeting other people and sharing ideas.
We’re social creatures and we learn from each other.
I actually think that part of what makes us feel alive is serving others. When you make a positive impact on someone else’s life, it feels good… And I think that’s partly why some of us are here.
We only live once, so while it’s great to have our own dreams and goals, we should remember that what you do for others comes back around too.
This is why I think people who do really good things for other people often don’t die unfulfilled because they know their actions still live on when they’re gone.
Your “purpose” is about finding the intersection between your natural skills and what you enjoy doing
Finding your purpose isn’t just good for you, it’s great for the world too! Because when we are serving others in ways that feel right to us, we are making a bigger impact than if we just do things to “get by”.
This is because there are lots of people who NEED what we have to offer. And the world needs us all to serve each other in different ways.
Now I want you to take a minute and imagine how you could be serving those around you – What skills do you have? How can you use those skills to help others? What do you enjoy doing and how can you use that to serve others?
Those are the questions we need to ask if we really want to find our life purpose.
So I’m going to share with you some of my own experiences and what I’ve learnt, and then it’s up to you to take what you want from this article and leave the rest.
First… I need to be honest with you though.
I’m not an expert or a guru. And what works for me may not work for you because we are all different individuals with different life experiences that shape us into the people we are today.
So maybe stop listening to what people say and instead listen to your own intuition. Stop just doing whatever feels good at the time, and start making a positive impact on your life and the lives of others…
You’ll know when you’re doing it right because it will feel good… And I think that’s really important. You can’t expect to find purpose in your life if you aren’t living your purpose right now.
So… what has helped me?
I decided to start with this question because I think it’s really important. And it took me a long time to work out how to answer without going on a big rant. But here’s my short answer:
Find things you enjoy doing and do them.
Sounds easy, right? Well, actually it’s harder than you might think! Because most of us don’t really know what we enjoy doing or what our passions are.
We get distracted by the latest fads and trends which leads to us jumping from one thing to another… Or because someone has told us that something is cool so we decide to give it a try.
So let’s turn this equation around and try something different instead. Start off by finding things that you don’t enjoy doing, then avoid doing them!
Doing this will cause you to automatically start considering other possibilities in your life. And if you are lucky, one of those possibilities will be something you actually enjoy doing.
I promise that it’s possible to find your “purpose” by just looking in the opposite direction of where everyone else is looking!
It may take a little time, but when you find it…
You’ll know because it will make your heart sing and I think that’s what life is really all about.
But if you can’t find your passion in the things you normally do, there’s actually something else I’d like to recommend… And it has helped me understand myself much better.
I call it “The SCARF Model”. It was created by a neuroscientist named Dr. David Rock and he came up with it when he was studying the brains of people who excelled at what they did.
He found that one of the things these people had in common was that they understood and communicated their ideas very well.
Not just because they were skilled at their craft, but because they knew how to use language and social dynamics to get what they wanted.
So if you can build your skills with words and social dynamics, it will help you to overcome your fears.
And when you know how to communicate well AND understand yourself AND build relationships better… You’ll automatically start finding ways to make things work and find solutions for yourself
I mean… I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to have more friends and be able to communicate more easily right?
But it’s very difficult for us to change our behavior on our own. Instead, we need some help and that’s where accountability comes into the picture.
What I mean by that is: find people who will hold you accountable and support you as you work on yourself.
This is actually one of the benefits of joining a group with like-minded people. People often tell me that they don’t have anyone who understands them or wants to learn about personal development.
The truth is… You probably aren’t looking in the right places. There are literally thousands of groups out there where people share their experiences with things like personal development, starting your own business, traveling the world, etc.
You just need to start looking
I’ve personally met some amazing people doing exactly that! I mean… The reason I’m writing this article right now is because my friend Kevin asked me to write it for him.
And if you’d like to check out some amazing groups that may be a good fit for you, I recommend checking out:
So that’s it!
I hope these ideas will help you get started and if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave them in the comments section below 🙂