If you love spending time with God, reading the Bible is a great way to deepen your understanding of Him and His plans for your life.
By praying before you start reading each day, you can open up yourself to hearing God’s voice more deeply as you make your way through the Scriptures.
Whether it be in a group prayer setting or simply on your own, taking some quiet moments at the start of each Bible study session to talk with God will help prepare your spirit for an inspiring encounter with His Word.
Here are some prayers you use before diving into the Bible.
Prayer Before Reading The Bible
As I begin to read Your Word, I come humbly before You asking for Your guidance and discernment so that I can better understand what You are trying to tell me.
I come asking for the spiritual gifts of wisdom and knowledge as I search out Your will for my life, so that I may grow in my love and fear of You.
Give me clarity of thought and help me to interpret scripture so that it is applicable to my everyday life.
Lord, open my heart so that I am more receptive and attentive not just to intellectual knowledge but also to spiritual understanding.
Lead me closer to Yourself with each passing day as I study Your holy Writ. Amen.
We come before You, the Great Bible Teacher of our lives, to humbly ask for Your guidance. As we sit down to read Your beloved words, lead us and open our hearts to understanding.
To comprehend your will and how it can be applied in our everyday lives.
Let us listen instead of just hear, for as Scripture is sharper than any two-edged sword, aid us in perceiving how it can give us direction and hope even when life’s roads seem endless and scattered with hardships.
Grant us an eagerness to embrace Your teaching with an open mind and loving heart.
Most importantly, be with us through this journey of discovering Your truth that saturates every page within the Bible so that we may come to live by each word spoken by You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Before I open the Scriptures, I come to You in prayer, asking for Your divine guidance.
As I read the time-tested words of God, please help me to understand them with a discerning heart that hears what You are saying.
Fill my spirit with faith and love for You so that I am eager to obey Your commands and the teachings of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Enable me to seek Your will from these pages and grant me the courage to follow it faithfully through all of life’s circumstances.
May Your Holy Spirit be my teacher as I seek wisdom hidden within the Bible – Amen!
Today we come to You in prayer, seeking wisdom, comfort and guidance in our daily Bible reading.
We humbly acknowledge that without Your help, our understanding of the Scriptures will be limited.
By faith we believe that You have spoken through the words written in the Bible, and so we invite You to prepare our hearts before we being reading.
Grant us clarity of mind and teach us new spiritual truths as we open its pages.
Let every thought and image be a reflection of Your glory as it speaks to us with life-giving power.
Help us to connect on a deeper level with Your divine plan for our lives so that our daily Bible study brings peace and joy into everything that we do. Amen.
As I open Your holy Word, I come to You in prayer. I humble myself before You, asking for discernment and wisdom as I pursue to gain a greater understanding of the truths of scripture.
Open my heart to receive the insights that come from knowing more about You and let me recognize Your voice when You speak.
Give me clarity of thought and an increased capacity to understand the complexity of each passage, so that I may be a faithful steward of Your Word.
Guide my study so that by reading and seeking Your will, I might bear witness in this world through acts of compassion and justice borne out of my growing knowledge of who You really are.
As I open my Bible to read your word, help calm my anxious heart and mind. I turn to you for guidance and reassurance. Enable me to replace doubt and fear with faith.
Open up the scriptures to me slowly and clearly, that I may better understand its meaning.
Help me to read with an open heart and an open mind, allowing Your truth to work its way deep into my heart.
Give me a humble spirit so I may accept Your truth fully. Lead my thoughts down paths of righteousness, no longer bound by the lies of this world.
May this time spent in Your Word be time well-used as I draw closer to You in prayer through your Holy Book.