What could be more intimate and special than saying a prayer for your husband each morning? Whether you’ve been married for two weeks or twenty years, consistent prayer is one of the most loving things you can do for your man.
It shows that you care deeply about his well-being and want God’s very best for him.
If you’re not used to praying regularly, it can feel a bit awkward or even uncomfortable at first.
But like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it will become. And as you grow in your prayer life, you’ll likely find that praying for your husband is one of the most rewarding things you do all day.
22 specific good morning prayers for my husband
1. For his spiritual growth: Pray that your husband will have a hunger for God’s Word and that he will be diligent in studying it. Pray that he will be quick to obey what he learns and that his life will reflect Christlikeness.
2. For his physical health: Ask God to protect your husband’s health and to give him strength and energy for each day. Pray that he will take care of his body and not abuse it in any way.
3. For his emotional well-being: Pray that your husband will be emotionally stable and mature. Pray that he will be able to handle stress and adversity well, without crumbling under the pressure.
4. For his mental health: Pray that your husband will have a sharp mind and that he will be able to think clearly. Pray that he will be free from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
5. For his relationships: Pray that your husband will have healthy, godly relationships with the people in his life. Pray that he will be a good husband to you, a good father to your children, and a good friend to those he is close to.
Praying for your husband each morning is a powerful way to start his day off right. It’s a reminder that you are thinking of him and that you are committed to praying for his needs. So don’t be afraid to get started today!
24 types of Good Morning Prayer for Your Husband
- A prayer for his spiritual growth:
Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband will have a hunger for Your Word and that he will be diligent in studying it. I pray that he will be quick to obey what he learns and that his life will reflect Christlikeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
2. A prayer for his physical protection:
Father God, I lift my husband up to You and ask that You would protect him. I pray that he would be alert to dangers around him and have the wisdom to avoid them. I thank You that You are a shield around him and that You will keep him safe. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
3. A prayer for his mental well-being:
God, I pray that my husband will have a sound mind and be free from anxiety and fear. I pray that he will think clearly and make wise decisions. I ask that You would give him a peace that surpasses all understanding and that he would fix his thoughts on that which is true and good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
4. A prayer for his emotional stability:
Lord, I pray that my husband will experience Your joy and peace regardless of the circumstances in his life. I pray that he would handle difficult situations with grace and self-control. I ask that You would give him wisdom on how to deal with his emotions and that he would find his comfort and hope in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
5. A prayer for his financial provision:
Heavenly Father, I pray that You would provide for all of my husband’s needs according to Your riches in glory. I thank You that You are a good and faithful God who always keeps Your promises. I ask that You would bless him with wisdom in how to handle money and that he would be a good steward of Your resources. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
6. A prayer for his relationships:
Father God, I pray that my husband would have healthy and godly relationships. I pray that he would surround himself with people who encourage him and build him up. I ask that You would give him wisdom in who he spends his time with and that he would be a good influence on those around him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
7. A prayer for his job:
Lord, I pray that my husband would find fulfillment in his work. I ask that You would give him wisdom and discernment in choosing the right career path. I pray that he would be diligent and excellent in whatever he does and that his work would glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
8. A prayer for his attitude:
Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband would have a Christ-like attitude in all circumstances. I pray that he would be patient, kind, and humble. I ask that he would resist anger and complain and instead choose to focus on thankfulness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
9. A prayer for his spiritual leadership:
Father God, I pray that my husband would be a man of integrity who follows Your Word. I pray that he would be a spiritual leader in our home and that he would lead our family in worship and prayer. I ask that You would give him the boldness to share his faith with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
10. A prayer for his physical strength:
Lord, I pray that my husband would have good physical health. I ask that You would give him the strength he needs to accomplish all that You have called him to do. I pray that he would take care of his body and be good stewards of his physical health. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
11. A prayer for his wisdom:
Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband would grow in wisdom. I ask that You would give him the wisdom to make godly decisions, to handle difficult situations well, and to know Your will for his life. I pray that he would trust in Your wisdom and not lean on his own understanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
12. A prayer for his future:
Father God, I thank You that You have a plan for my husband’s life. I pray that he would trust in Your perfect timing and have faith that You will work everything out for his good. I ask that he would live each day with an eternal perspective, knowing that You have good things in store for him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
13. A prayer for his protection:
Lord, I pray that my husband would be shielded from all danger and harm. I ask that You would surround him with Your angels and protect him from all evil. I pray that he would be aware of the spiritual battle around him and put on the armor of God to stand firm against the enemy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
14. A prayer for his peace:
Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband would experience Your peace in every area of his life. I ask that You would calm his fears, ease his anxiety, and quiet his mind. I pray that he would trust in You and know that You are in control. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
15. A prayer for his joy:
Father God, I pray that my husband would have a joyful heart. I ask that You would fill him with Your presence and let him experience the joy of walking closely with You. I pray that he would find his delight in You and that his joy would be unending. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
16. A prayer for thankfulness:
Lord, I pray that my husband would have a heart of thankfulness. I ask that he would be mindful of all the good things in his life and that he would express his gratitude to You for all that You have done. I pray that thankfulness would be a character trait that he is known for. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
17. A prayer for his spiritual growth:
heavenly Father, I pray that my husband would grow spiritually. I ask that You would draw him close to You and that he would hunger for more of Your Word. I pray that he would be transformed by the renewing of his mind and that he would grow in his understanding of who You are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
18. A prayer for his relationship with God:
Father God, I pray that my husband would have a deep and personal relationship with You. I ask that he would know You intimately and that he would walk closely with You each day. I pray that his heart would be fully devoted to You and that he would love You with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
19. A prayer for his leadership:
Lord, I pray that my husband would be a godly leader. I ask that You would give him the wisdom and strength he needs to lead our family well. I pray that he would be humble and put others before himself. I ask that he would be a servant-leader and that his leadership would be characterized by integrity, wisdom, and compassion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
20. A prayer for his obedience:
Father God, I pray that my husband would be obedient to Your Word. I ask that he would not conform to the world but that he would be transformed by the renewing of his mind. I pray that he would be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and that he would walk in all the ways You have called him to. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
21. A prayer for spiritual wisdom:
Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband would seek Your wisdom in all areas of his life. I ask that You would give him discernment and help him to make godly decisions. I pray that Your Spirit would guide him and give him the wisdom he needs for every situation he faces. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
22. A prayer for knowledge:
Lord, I pray that my husband would walk in knowledge. I ask that he would grow in his understanding of who You are and that he would know Your will for his life. I pray that he would search the Scriptures and be diligent to apply what he learns to his everyday life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
23. A prayer for self-control:
Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband would have self-control. I ask that he would be disciplined in all areas of his life and that he would not give in to temptation. I pray that he would have the strength to say no to ungodliness and that he would live a life worthy of Your call on his life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
24. A prayer for courage:
Lord, I pray that my husband would be a man of courage. I ask that he would not be afraid to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular. I pray that he would have the boldness to speak the truth in love and that he would be fearless in his pursuit of Your will for his life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
These are just a few examples of good morning prayers for my husband. If you have any others, please share them in the comments below!
I hope this has encouraged you to start your day with a prayer for your husband. It is such a powerful way to intercede on his behalf and to cover him in God’s love.